Music for business

soundtrack your brand logo

100 million songs

How it Works

With Customization

1. Create your playlists.

Search for the name of an artist or a specific song. Add it to a new or existing playlist, or find related playlists.

2. Block the noise.

Activate the explicit lyrics filter, block songs you don't want to hear again.

3. Schedule your music.

Schedule in advance to make sure that the music plays when and where it should. Drag and drop playlists into the calendar to meet business hours, expected rush times, and holidays.

Without Fuss

1. Create your Playlists.

Start with a ready-made playlist and add, remove, or reorder songs to make it your own. In just a couple of minutes, you can have a custom playlist with dozens of hours of music.

2. Make it Legal

Drag in any Spotify playlist and make it legal for your business.

3. Invite Users

Allow invited users to collaborate, or restrict their access to only controlling the volume, for example.

Background music for businesses that want it all.

  • With 100 million songs, you have access to the world's biggest catalogue.

  • Drag and drop playlists and play what you want, when you want it.

  • Pick from over 1,000 playlists for business types, seasons and situations.